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Guest contributor to the SoFlo SAT Tutoring Blog.
    School Tutoring

    Is Tutoring Tax Deductible?

    Everybody can benefit from a little help—it’s almost impossible to be good at everything. For some people, understanding the flowery, wordy language in novels may be a massive effort, or maybe balancing chemical equations gives them grief. For others, the nuances of foreign language grammar ...
    SAT/ACT Prep

    Can You Get Your SAT Scores Early?

    Waiting to receive SAT scores can be a stressful process for many students. From wanting to know what score you earned to decide you are retaking the SAT or if you want to ensure the colleges you are applying to receive your score reports in ...
    SAT/ACT Prep

    Average SAT Scores by State in America

    Do you want to know how your SAT score compares to the rest of your state or even the rest of the nation? This type of data provides for a great understanding of SAT scores and where you stand among your peers. How is the ...
    SAT/ACT Prep

    ACT Writing Tips to Ace Your Essay

    Tips for ACT Writing You Need to Know Immediately after the other sections of the ACT, students can take the optional ACT Writing Test. This essay section is offered after the ACT on all national testing dates in the USA. The writing test measures students’ ...
    Guest Post

    How to Find a Job during the Covid-19 Recession

    Millions of people have been let go from their companies during the Covid-19 pandemic. And the country is now going through a recession, which makes it even more difficult than usual to find a job. But don’t be discouraged. Here are some tips you can ...
    Is AP Physics Hard? AP Exams

    How hard is AP® Physics?

    Physics is a notoriously difficult subject, and AP Physics in particular can be intimidating, to say the least. It deals with a lot of unintuitive concepts, formulas with multiple variables, and math that can be difficult if you haven’t taken associated courses. However, if you ...

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