After taking the ACT, most students immediately anticipate the day their test scores come out. Often, it takes weeks to hear back about what students received on the exam. If students are unsure when exactly their test scores will come out, this will help clarify for them.
ACT Test Scores Release Dates 2022-2023
These ACT Test Dates are definite, and but the exact date they’ll be released are not certain because the ACT releases test scores during a specific time frame.
ACT Test Date | Reporting Timeframe |
Sept 9, 2023 | Sept 19 – Nov 3, 2023 |
Oct 28, 2023 | Nov 14 – Dec 15, 2023 |
Dec 9, 2023 | Dec 19 – Feb 2, 2023 |
Feb 10, 2024 | Feb 20 – April 5, 2023 |
Apr 13, 2024 | Apr 23 – June 7, 2024 |
June 8, 2024 | June 18 – Aug 2, 2024 |
July 13, 2024 | July 23 – Sept 6, 2024 |
Keeping in mind that the ACT says that test scores typically come out 2-8 weeks after testing, students often note that they receive their scores earlier in that test frame than later. However, students across the country will receive their scores at different times for a variety of reasons.
How Long Do ACT Test Scores Take to Be Released
Students can receive their test scores anytime between the time frame in the table. Essay test scores typically come out two weeks after students receive their multiple-choice scores.
The reason ACT Test Scores are not available as soon as students would prefer is that the amount of time required to score them. There are hundreds of thousands of students taking these exams each testing date, and ACT, Inc. wants to ensure that students receive accurate scores so that they may know what steps to take next whether it may be sending these scores to colleges or signing up for another test date to retake the exam.
Before tests can be sent out to students, the tests must be shipped to ACT Headquarters, scanned for right/wrong answers to receive raw scores for each exam, ACT must analyze a curve for each specific exam and use the raw scores to determine each student’s scaled scores, and two human graders must evaluate each students’ ACT Writing Essay. There are lots of steps required on ACT’s end before students are able to receive their scores.
Students should always be patient and not stress out about their scores because regardless of what score they receive, there is always another option.
How Can I See My Results on the ACT Score Release Date
So, it is finally the day that students’ ACT test scores are released, and everyone is anticipating what they will see. How exactly do students see their scores? To view test scores, students must create a MyACT Account that will be linked to their ACT tests, the one they just took, and all future tests. It is very important to keep track of students’ MyACT Account information so that they are able to access their scores whenever they need them, which will be often.
Students should log onto act.org, go to MyACT Sign In, and from there, students are able to either create an account or log into a current one. Once students have logged in, all ACT scores will be readily available, and the ACT has a new feature that even enables students to see their ACT Superstores. A superscore is the highest subject score from every test a student has ever taken which averages out to a composite superscore. For example, if a student received a 26 composite score on their most recent exam, but scored very high in English, then that English score will apply to their super score. It could combine with a test from a year prior with a very high Math score and, depending on how well this student did in each subject, could give them an extremely high superscore such as a 31.
The Report Delivery
What will students’ scores look like when they receive them? When students view their scores, they will receive a Student Report. This tells students how they scored in each subject and their composite score on the exam. It will also go into detail about each subject and how well they scored in each subcategory within the subjects (such as how well they scored in Algebra for math). The Student Report also provides students with college and career planning information to help them navigate life after high school. Students’ high schools will also receive a report from ACT, Inc. that is very similar to the report that students received themselves.
Students are also able to request that their scores are sent to certain colleges that they may choose to apply to. If students request that their scores are sent to these schools, the schools will receive all of the information on the student and high school report, along with the grades they reported in up to 30 high school courses. The report may also include predictions about student performance in specific college programs and courses. To send this information, students have to pay a fee for each college they request to be sent to.
What to Do After You Receive Your ACT Scores
After students receive their ACT scores, it is a good idea to send their scores out to the colleges of their choice. Students are able to make this decision before they take the exam, or after the fact, once they have received their scores. Regardless of when students make this decision, it is a good idea to go ahead and share scores with colleges. They will take students’ higher scores into consideration more than they will students’ first exam.
If a student is unhappy with their scores, there is always a solution – students can retest. It can be very beneficial for students to take the ACT as many times as they are able to before they apply to colleges. Remember, there is always room for improvement!
Prepare for the Exams in Advance with SoFlo
If a student is considering retaking the ACT and needs help preparing, SoFlo’s Online ACT Tutoring is here to help! SoFlo offers personalized, one-on-one tutoring with college students who are familiar with the process and just finished it themselves. Tutors will work alongside students to discover how to best help them succeed on the ACT. With SoFlo, the fears students may have of creating their own plan and being able to stick to it weekly along with their other classes, extracurriculars, and social life will go away. Look into tutoring with SoFlo now!