How Much Does The SAT Cost
We know that the SAT is an important part of the college application process, but just how much does it cost to take the SAT? Are there hidden fees you should know about? How do you know if you qualify for a fee waiver?
This post provides a breakdown of every potential cost associated with the SAT, so you can worry less about fees and deadlines and focus on preparing for your test day!
SAT Cost Breakdown
The overall cost to take the SAT depends on a number of factors, including how early you register, how quickly you want your scores sent to your colleges, and if you want a score report for your test. To avoid surprise fees, schedule your SAT early!
Registration Fee
For students in the United States, the primary cost associated with taking the SAT is the Registration Fee of $55.
Extra Registration Fees
- A $25 charge for changing your test center location
- A $25 charge for canceling your registration BY the deadline to do so
- A $35 charge for canceling your registration AFTER the deadline to do so through the date of your scheduled test
- A $30 charge for registering AFTER the regular deadline but BEFORE the late registration deadline
- A $53 waitlist charge. Occurs only if you’re waitlisted to take the SAT and are admitted to the test center on the date of your test.
- NOTE: Waitlist registration is not currently available for the 2021-2022 school year.
Cost To Send SAT Scores
For weekend tests, you may send four score reports to colleges for free every time you register for the SAT. This is a fast and easy way to get your scores to your colleges and scholarship programs, and this service is free until 11:59 p.m. EST nine days after taking the test.
For tests on school days, you can choose which colleges, universities, and scholarship programs will receive your scores when completing the answer sheet.
For students eligible for fee waivers, sending score reports to colleges is always free.
But What If I Don’t Score Well?
Many students hesitate to send their first SAT scores to colleges before they know what they scored – what if you don’t receive the score you’re hoping for and would prefer that colleges see later test scores, instead? Particularly with COVID-19 influencing whether or not colleges require the SAT test at all, knowing if you should automatically send colleges your scores is trickier than ever.
As you’re deciding, ask yourself three questions:
- Can I/my family afford to send my scores later for $12 per college?
- If this may place a financial burden on you or your family, go ahead and send the scores for free, even though you don’t yet know what your SAT score will be.
- Will I be Superscoring my SAT tests anyway – taking my highest English Score from one test and my highest Math score from another test?
- If you decide to ‘Superscore,’ colleges will need to see both SAT tests regardless – send them!
- Am I sure that I’ll be taking another SAT test later?
- If you aren’t taking this SAT for practice (you probably aren’t – practice with a tutor or take online practice tests instead!), you may only take this one SAT test, because you’re happy with your score. In this case, send them!
NOTE: Some colleges will only require official SAT score documentation if you actually decide to enroll in that school. If you know where you’ll be applying and this is the case, you could hold off on sending scores knowing you would only need to submit them to one school for $12.
Score Release And Service Costs And Fees
As long as you follow the guidelines above for sending SAT scores, your first four reports should be free. Keep reading to find out how much additional score reports should cost. To learn more about score release, check out this article.
How Much Does The SAT Cost For International Students
The standard SAT Registration Fee of $55 remains the same for International Students taking the SAT, with an additional Non-U.S. Regional Fee.
- Africa (Sub-Saharan): $55 + $43
- Americas: $55 + $43
- East Asia/Pacific: $55 + $53
- Europe and Eurasia: $55 + $49
- Middle East/North Africa: $55 + $47
- South and Central Asia: $55 + $49
Exempt: Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau
Additional Fees for International Students
Some test centers charge an extra $24 fee for International Students. Check the College Board website to find your center.
Additional SAT Testing Fees You Might Not Know About
Unfortunately, many students may take the SAT without knowing about several key SAT score reporting/score sending services. Below, find some of the less-common fees associated with the test.
Service | Description | Cost |
Additional Score Report Request | These are extra score reports after the four free reports that come with your test. This includes reports ordered outside the nine day window after the SAT. | $12 |
Rush Order | This will send your score reports to colleges in 1-2 business days – a good option if you have an application deadline shortly after your SAT Scores are released, and want to ensure the college receives them in time. | $31 |
Scores By Phone | Hear your SAT scores in a phone call. (This follows the same schedule as online scores.) | $15 per call |
Archived Scores Order | To access old scores from previous SAT tests, request archived scores by phone or mail. Standard fees (like score reports) apply. | $31 |
Question-and-Answer Service | See the test questions from the specific test you took, the right answers, instructions for scoring, and a form to order a copy of your answer sheet. QAS is not available for every test. | $16 |
Student Answer Service | Provides a list of question types from your test, whether you answered them correctly/incorrectly/skipped them, and the level of difficulty. | $16 |
Multiple- choice Hand Score Verification | A manual review of your answer sheet for all multiple-choice sections of the SAT test. (You cannot request a review of any particular section.) Go to collegeboard.com to read key details about this service. | $55 |
ReTesting Fees
While many students do take the SAT a second (or even a third) time, prices do not change with each additional test. You will have to pay the $55 Registration Fee and any additional costs associated with the services you requested.
Refund Policy
It’s best to be sure about your SAT plans (both date and location), because the College Board does not offer full refunds on SAT cancellation, no matter how far in advance you attempt to cancel your registration. If you cancel at least five days in advance, you may be able to get a $10 refund by calling the College Board.
Instead of cancelling the SAT – which you should only do if you know you won’t need to take the SAT again – you may reschedule your test for $29 by going to the “My SAT” page of your College Board account and clicking “Change Registration.” Even if you miss your original test, you can reschedule for just $29 without paying a new registration fee – so long as you did not show up to take the test.
With questions or concerns about cancellation or taking your test at your assigned location/date, you can call the College Board Customer Service line at 1 (866) 630-9305.
How Much Does The SAT Cost With Fee Waivers
With fee waivers, you’re able to take the SAT for free two times, and receive other benefits, as well!
What Is A Fee Waiver And How To Get It
A fee waiver relieves the financial burden of the SAT test and associated college application costs. You may be eligible if you:
- Are a low-income 11th and 12th grade student in the U.S.
- Are a low-income 11th and 12th grade student in U.S. territories
- Are enrolled in/eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Are a ward of the state or an orphan
- Live in federally subsidized public housing
- Live in a foster home or are homeless
- Your family receives public assistance
- Your family is enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (TRIO programs like Upward Bound)
- Your family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service
To accept your fee waiver and benefits, sign into your College Board account. Next, click on My SAT from your profile page, then accept the terms of the fee reduction eligibility prompt, and click ‘Continue.’ You now have access to all your fee waiver benefits!
What Does A Fee Waiver Cover
How much is the SAT with a fee waiver? $0!
A fee waiver gives you access to 2 free SAT Registrations, 2 free Answer Services reports, unlimited score sends to your colleges, waived application fees as participating colleges, and free CSS Profile applications! You’re also exempt from late fees when you register.
If you think you might qualify for a fee waiver, do take advantage of this service! College applications are stressful, and fee waivers help to relieve financial stress associated with this time in your (or your student’s) life.
How Can I Pay For The SAT
There are many ways to pay for the SAT, listed below.
Credit Card | PayPal | Check/Money Order |
American Express, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, and JCB. | New to PayPal? Set up your account before SAT registration. *not available in Ghana | Write checks/money orders payable to “The College Board.” Checks must be drawn on U.S. banks; otherwise, they will be returned. |
NOTE: Do not send cash! The College Board does not accept cash for SAT payments.
Be Ready For The SAT Exam With SoFlo Tutors
Now that you know how much the SAT will cost, you can prioritize preparing for your test. If you or your student is looking for help studying for the test with a qualified and friendly tutor, SoFlo’s Online SAT Tutoring is a great resource for one-on-one tutoring with college students who excelled on their own SATs, retain familiarity with the material, and know key techniques to make taking the SAT a better experience.
With SoFlo, students have flexibility with scheduling, session structure, and homework. SoFlo students see noticeable performance results – consider scheduling a free consultation!
Note: A great scholarship is available to underserved students.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, the SAT exam cost will depend on your location (US or International), your family circumstances, and your preferences for receiving score reports and sending scores to colleges. If you’re still not sure how much the SAT will cost for you personally, you can reach out to a guidance/career counselor at your high school – they should be able to walk you through the registration process.
Everyone wants different things from their SAT experience – some want to know the correct answer to every question they missed, and some only want to see their final score. Decide which option is best for you and be wary of common mistakes – if possible, register for the test on time!
Additional SAT Resources
- How to Master the SAT Reading Section | SAT Reading Tips and Tricks: https://soflotutors.com/blog/sat-reading-prep/
- How to Prepare for the SAT Writing Section: https://soflotutors.com/blog/sat-writing-strategies/
- SAT Crash Courses | How to Cram for the SAT: https://soflotutors.com/blog/sat-crash-course/
- How to Get a Perfect 1600 Score on the SAT 2021 | Your Comprehensive Guide: https://soflotutors.com/blog/how-to-get-a-perfect-1600-score-on-the-sat-2021-your-comprehensive-guide/
- Essential SAT Tips and Tricks 2021 | Best Hacks and Tips for SATs: https://soflotutors.com/blog/essential-sat-tips-and-tricks-2021/
About the Author
Renée Flory is a student at Johns Hopkins University. She scored a 1570 on the SAT, studies professional/creative writing and English literature, and writes novels in her free time!