Adam Shlomi
Adam Shlomi is the founder of SoFlo SAT Tutoring. He scored an 800 on the Reading section and 770 on Math -- good for the 99th percentile on both sections, went to Georgetown University, and has 5 years of tutoring experience
    Tutor Features

    College As A Stepping Stone: Road To Vanderbilt | Tutor Feature

    Expert SoFlo Tutor Christin Sanchez navigated the admissions process with a strategic approach – balancing academic goals, financial considerations, and personal preferences like geography. From weighting the benefits of in-state options like UIUC to ultimately choosing Vanderbilt for its flexibility and opportunities, she made informed ...
    Is AP English Language Hard? AP Exams

    Is AP® English Language Hard?

    What is the AP® Lang Exam, how I got a 5, and why it matters — everything you need to know to study for the AP® English Language Exam. “Eminent domain, chicken lo-mein, Eminem’s rap game. What do these three things have in common? They ...

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