
What Do Colleges Look For In Students

What applicant qualities matter to colleges Preparing for college is equally exciting and nerve-wracking for high school students. Although stepping forward into the next chapter is something to look forward to, many might wonder what colleges look for as they make their admissions decisions. College ...

Can Colleges See How Many Times You Take The SAT?

If you’re like most college-bound high-school students, you will wind up taking the SAT multiple times in order to achieve your highest possible score—the number that represents the best display of the academic abilities you’ve worked so hard to sharpen. It’s therefore natural to wonder ...

5 Tips for Studying Smarter

Studying Smart vs. Studying Longer “Study smart, not hard” is one of the most popular bits of advice offered to students, but what does this actually mean? And how does it differ from just spending more time studying? The best approach to comprehend the differences ...

10 Best Authentic Parenting Blogs

Being a parent is arguably one of the toughest jobs on earth, and babies don’t come with an instruction booklet, but read on to see some authentic small and mid-sized blogs loaded with useful tips for all parents. Jen Bradley | MOMs We kick things ...

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