If you are looking to excel in the field of mathematics, there are a number of things you can be doing every day to increase your math skills. The growing potential of careers in mathematics have made the field a very attractive option for young people entering the workforce. While you may have a strong desire to learn mathematics and even study the subject at a university level, it can sometimes still be difficult to gain all of the knowledge you need from traditional education.
In the advent of the internet, there have been a variety of helpful tools designed to aid in stretching your math skills. We have sorted the best ones to save you time and guarantee you get the most out of your skills. Let’s dive in and see just what the best math tools have to offer.
1. MathMaster – Best All-Around Math Tool
MathMaster is a tool designed with the needs of high school students in mind. This online solution is flexible, comprehensive, and complete with every tool you could possibly need.
Key Features:
· Problem Solver: This tool will allow you to test your skills against expert-verified answers to any math problem, 24/7.
· Learning Tools: Oftentimes, even the most elite math students want to learn more. With the courses and knowledge MathMaster provides, you will be able to do just that.
· Homework Help: Professional help for homework on any subject
· Test Prep: Looking for a better way to prepare for your exams? This solution offers tools, tutorials, and step-by-step solutions to prepare you for even the most challenging tests.
There is a reason MathMaster has been able to help over 280 million students, their solution works. Whether you need homework help or access to advanced skill sets, you’ll likely find everything you are looking for with this online tool. It’s an advantageous tool for any student looking to prepare for college or the SAT, in addition to the everyday utility that you’re looking for. With MathMaster, your skills will put you at the top of your class in no time.
2. Khan Academy – Best to Review Math Content and Practice
The widely known online learning tool, Khan Academy has been utilized by high school students for over a decade now. Khan Academy has a great layout that is easily navigated by grade level or specific math course. It serves as a phenomenal tool that anyone can set up within a few minutes and begin to enhance their skills on a daily basis.
Key Features:
· Video Content: Their most widely known feature has to do with step-by-step instructional and informative videos on all subjects, not just math.
· Personalized Dashboard: Khan Academy is extremely customizable, allowing you to get the most out of your learning experience.
· Goal Setting: This feature allows you to push your math skills at your desired pace, a great tool for anyone wanting to get more out of their education.
Kahn Academy’s standout features and reputable history have made their site one of the most transformational learning tools in recent times. Like MathMaster, they can also be helpful for high school math students looking to gain practice for the SAT, or other standardized test. Their analytical and calculated way of learning could offer the advancement in skill you have been looking for.
3. Desmos – Best for Graphing and Simulation
This online platform offers a free graphing calculator, allowing students the opportunity to avoid buying the $100, TI-85 that many students feel forced to purchase. In addition to that, it also offers simulations and guided activities that can excel math skills at all levels.
Key Features:
· Advanced Graphing: With Desmos, you have the ability to graph all the numerical equations you want for free.
· Simulation Practice: Simulations offer test-like practice to best prepare your skills.
Offering more complex graphing capabilities and visual tools than any other platform, Desmos is a must-have for anyone looking to stretch their skills in math.
Developing your math skills now, before you get into college can be a game changer for your educational journey. Utilizing the tools presented by solutions like these, can give you the ability to stand out amongst the crowd and really set yourself apart in the field of mathematics. If you are looking to stretch your math skills and gain more knowledge than the average student, don’t be afraid to test yourself on a daily basis with some helpful online tools.