Must-haves For The Digital SAT
In order to take the Digital SAT, students will have to install the Bluebook Testing App on an approved device (more details below).
What Is The Bluebook App?
The Bluebook App is a downloadable application available for both Apple and Windows devices. This application is required for testing and makes the test-taking process seamless and easy for students.
Access To Practice Problems Through Bluebook
Once the Bluebook application is downloaded, students will have access to 4 practice tests. These tests will imitate what it would be like to take the Digital SAT. The practice tests will be adaptive and have the same format and scoring as the Digital SAT.
What To Expect With Bluebook?
About a week before their assigned testing date, students will be able to download the test onto their device. Once downloaded, students will be given an admission ticket to use on the day of testing to access their Digital SAT.
In order to keep their admission ticket secure and handy for their testing day, students are recommended to:
- Take a photograph of their admission ticket.
- Print their admission ticket.
- Email the admission ticket to themselves.
The admission ticket is necessary for accessing the Digital SAT on the day of the test. Without this ticket students will not have access to their Digital SAT. Arrival time and the address of the testing center will also be displayed on the admission ticket for convenience.
The Bluebook application will also provide students with a digital calculator for their test (though students are able to bring a physical calculator if they wish) and a reference sheet for the math section of the Digital SAT. Students will also have access to an annotation tool for the reading section of the test. This will allow students to highlight different portions of the readings on the Digital SAT and help organize their thoughts.
Approved Devices And Device Requirements
Approved Devices and Specific Requirements:
- Windows laptops and tablets (must have Windows 10 installed and 250MB of free space, must have wifi connection)
- Mac laptops (must have macOS 11.4 installed and 150MB of free space, must have wifi connection)
- iPads (must have iPadOS 13.4 and 150MB of free space)
- School-managed Chromebooks (must have Chrome OS 83 installed and 150MB of free space, must have wifi connection)
Note: Students will be unable to run the Bluebook application on personal Chromebooks (must be school-issued). If students do not have access to a device, check out the Digital SAT Device Lending service with CollegeBoard.
The Pros And Cons Of The Digital SAT:
- An hour less of testing than on the paper SAT
- Scores come back to you faster
- Combined Reading and Writing section for faster test-taking
- Can use the Calculator for the entirety of the Math section
- Students taking the Digital SAT in 2024 will be the first wave of U.S. students to do so
- Not available until 2024
Is There Still The Option to Take the Paper SAT?
Once the Digital SAT is made available to U.S. students in 2024, the paper SAT will no longer be an option for taking the SAT. All students will be required to take the Digital SAT.
Thoughts On The Bluebook Application From A College Student
After my research on the Bluebook application, I would be delighted to have my test-taking experience through Bluebook. First, the interface is really quite easy to navigate. The application, itself, is very intuitive and guides you through a lot of the processes of setting up ‘Your Tests’.
Second, the tools that the Bluebook application provides students with during the test are pretty awesome. I mean, students get access to a calculator (so this eliminates the need to buy one, and, as we know, those can be quite pricey), a reference sheet for the math section, annotative tools for highlighting text, and even tools to make sorting through wrong/right answers to questions easier.
Last, the use of the Bluebook application and, more generally, the Digital SAT will allow for students to immediately send their test results out to be scored and sent back quicker.
I think that the Bluebook application and the Digital SAT are steps in the right direction, providing a more seamless testing environment for students to achieve their goal score!
Preparing For The SAT and Digital SAT With SoFlo Tutors
Are you ready to begin your preparations for the Digital SAT and get into the college of your dreams? Check out our team of talented tutors here at SoFlo for expert help in getting the practice you need. All of our tutors attend high-ranking universities within the United States and scored in the 99th percentile on their SAT.
Our tutors will work with you to identify and improve your weaknesses on particular subjects through a rigorous program to help you increase your chances of getting your target score. We know your time is valuable, that is why our tutors work around your schedule whether it be after school or before, we will find an availability that works for you! Check out our tutoring services here to book a session!
About The Author
Dahlia is a senior at Florida State University majoring in both philosophy and psychology. In her free time she enjoys filmmaking and photography, backpacking, and cycling.