[Video] Q30: No change or whom uses or who uses or who use

Answer Choices


  • whom uses

  • who uses

  • who use

Explanation for Question 30 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So question number 30 is a question of whether or not to use who 2 or whom and whether to use, use, or uses. 3 And if we look at this here, we can see that we're talking about 4 people who use them and people we know that people refers 5 to more than one person, right? So people is a plural subject 6 here. So we want to choose the plural version of the verb, 7 which is going to be used. So we should immediately eliminate any answer choices 8 that you have the word use is. So that is going to be BNC. 9 And now our question is, do we use whom or do we use poop? 10 And there's a quick little trick that we can use to figure out what 11 to, which one to use here. If we use the word who we should 12 be able to easily replace it with he or she, 13 and the sentence should make sense to use the word whom you would want 14 to use him or her. Um, 15 so what do we say? He uses them or him uses them. 16 And we know that we would say he uses them, not him uses them. 17 And so since we would say he, the answer is who, 18 right? And so we did that just by looking at this last little bit 19 of the sense, or we could say he uses them since 20 we use that one. We want to use who and our best answer is 21 going to be de.

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