[Video] Q29: At this point, the writer wants to add specific information that supports the main topic of the paragraph. perceived effect of coworking on business skills which choice most effectively completes the sentence with relevant and accurate information based on the graph above?

Answer Choices


  • 71 percent of respondents indicated that using a coworking space increased their creativity.

  • respondents credited coworking spaces with giving them 74 percent of their ideas relating to business.

  • respondents revealed that their ability to focus on their work improved by 12 percent in a coworking space.

Explanation for Question 29 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Now number 29 says that the author wants to add specific information that supports 2 the main topic of the paragraph, right? 3 And so which choice most effectively completes the sentence with relevant and accurate information 4 based on the graph. And so one of the first keys here is going 5 to be what is relevant, right? So let's look at what's happening in this 6 sentence. In this paragraph, we say, 7 well, most costs caught my interest though. Um, 8 from was a quotation from someone who described coworking spaces as melting pots 9 of creativity. The article refers to a 2012 survey and which 64% 10 of respondents to go to the co-working spaces, prevented them from completing tasks on 11 time. So we know that whatever piece of data that we choose, 12 we want it to show creativity and completing your tasks late 13 does not show creativity, right? It shows a lack of punctuality, 14 which is not the same thing as creativity. 15 So that's how we know a is wrong, right? Because it's not relevant any 16 lacks, the relevant piece. Now B says 71% of respondents indicated 17 that co-working space increase their creativity. 18 This is relevant. We'll go back and we'll check if it's accurate. 19 According to this graph, after we looked at the other answer choices, 20 but we know that it's on topic. So it is relevant. 21 At least now C says I'm giving them a 74% 22 of their ideas relating to business. So if it's spring ideas, 23 it might be creative. Right? So see, it also could be on t...

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