[Video] Q11: No change or it, farmers or it, so farmers or it: farmers

Answer Choices


  • it, farmers

  • it, so farmers

  • it: farmers

Explanation for Question 11 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Now number 11 is a punctuation question. 2 See, when we look at our answer choices, we're deciding if we need a 3 comment, a conjunction like in C just to comma colon, 4 I'm a comma, therefore. And so what we need to do when we have 5 a punctuation question is break down the sentence into its clauses and see if 6 these causes are independent and dependent. Now, 7 if we look at the beginning here, we see that it says because cus 8 consumers, reef the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and 9 sell it comma. And so we should be able to see that this is 10 a dependent clause, because all it has is a subject, 11 um, right, because consumers reap the nutritional benefits. 12 Um, what, right? What do the, 13 what do the consumers do since they reap the nutritional benefits? 14 We're left wondering what they do. And so we don't really have an active 15 verb here. 16 Additionally, any kind of, um, sentence fragment that begins with, 17 because we shouldn't notice a dependent clause because, 18 because is a subordinating conjunction and subordinating, 19 conjunctions start dependent clauses. 20 Now the second part here says farmers and businesses should continue finding 21 safe and effective methods of producing the food. 22 Now, this is an independent clause because we have our subject farmers and businesses, 23 and then our verb is to continue. It's a complete sentence. 24 It can stand on its own. So this is an IC. 25 And now when you have an, a dependent ...

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