[Video] Q10: No change or fulfilled or complacent or sufficient

Answer Choices


  • fulfilled

  • complacent

  • sufficient

Explanation for Question 10 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Number 10 is a word choice question. So we need to go ahead and 2 look at the sentence to see what is happening here. 3 What word would be best? And our sentence reads also because it is more 4 concentrated. Greek yogurt contains slightly more protein per serving, 5 thereby helping people stay satiated for longer periods of time. 6 So our question is what are people staying for longer periods of time? 7 If we say they're saying satiated, that means that they stay full for longer 8 periods of time. So they might not have cravings, 9 or they might not feel like they're overeating as much. 10 And let's compare that to our other words fulfilled. 11 So Greek yogurt is a food, right? So we know that we should be 12 describing something that food can do normally, 13 right. And fulfilled kind of refers to someone's whole life. 14 If someone feels fulfilled, then they may have accomplished a goal. 15 They may feel successful. And so saying that Greek yogurt can fulfill someone 16 it's kind of a big jump. It would make more sense that Greek yogurt 17 would make someone feel full, right, because it's a food. 18 Um, so fulfilled is kind of two grand for, 19 um, for Greek yogurt, right? 20 Complacent means that someone is kind of not 21 paying attention, not paying attention to 22 what's going on. Right? And so again, 23 food is not likely to make someone complacent, 24 um, for longer periods of time. It's more likely to make someone feel full 25 because we're talking about sued and finally sufficient again, 26 kind of like fulfilled is talking about how someone feels as a person on 27 a much grander scale, far, too much to be, 28 um, for Greek yogurt to cause someone to feel sufficient. 29 Um, and so just the best answer is going to be a simply because 30 it's the only word that we would normally associate with food. 31 So since we're talking about food satiated, 32 when make the most sense.

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