[Video] Q11: The writer wants a conclusion that reflects the main idea of the passage and emphasizes the effects of the painters' rivalry. which choice best accomplishes this goal?

Explanation for Question 11 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat

Now looking at number 11, the question says that the writer wants a conclusion 2 that reflects the main idea, right? So we need to be on topic with 3 the paragraph and we also need to emphasize the painter's rivalry and 4 the answer he tells us that the best answer is B. 5 And so for you read B, it says despite their differences, 6 or perhaps because of them, the two rivals influenced 7 popular taste for landscape painting. 8 And so first thing we can see is that this PA or this answer 9 choice refers to the two painters as rivals, 10 which does emphasize the effect of their rivalry. 11 Right? And it specifically, 12 it talks about the effects of their rivalry, 13 right? Which is important. It's saying that the rivals influence popular taste for landscape 14 painting. So the rivals, the rivalries affects actually changed how 15 normal people felt like about landscape painting, 16 how they wanted to buy it, how they viewed it. 17 Right. So there were in fact affects here, and then we can get an 18 idea that B is also on top with, 19 on topic with the main idea of the paragraph. 20 Because if we look at the paragraph, right, it talks about, 21 um, constables reputation. Um, 22 it talks about the public debating, which is better, 23 right? And so since we refer to the public here as the public debated, 24 right, and then in answer choice B, we talked about popular taste, 25 right? Or the public tastes for landscape painting, 26 see, or rather B has a nice connection to the parag...

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