[Video] Q44: Which choice best introduces the argument made in the final sentence of the paragraph?

Answer Choices

  • be financially advantageous

  • please conservationists more than any other strategy

  • be subject to further revision

  • constitute a model for other nations grappling with environmental perils

Explanation for Question 44 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 44 asks us which choice best introduces the argument 2 made in the final sentence of the paragraph. What's kind of nice about this 3 question is it's not asking us to have a holistic view of the passage 4 as a whole, just asking us to cite what is going to be the 5 sentence that best interests the argument. 6 Um, uh, what's going to be the story. 7 What's going to be the, the wording that messengers to the argument made in 8 this final sentence. So all want need to do is focus on justice, 9 final sentence. This sentence, res a classification system could also blink the 10 us government, be able to begin to protection efforts earlier, 11 which would prevent, which might prevent the need for drastic and costly interventions. 12 When a species is extinct, let's just saying, 13 is that a new class? Because classification system could also be this. 14 And that would mean that the U S government will be able to protect 15 them or protect efforts earlier. 16 And they might not have to spend a ton of money and do these 17 big dramatic interventions, uh, 18 later on. So our ancestors introduced the sentence are constituted 19 a model for other nations grappling with environmental parallels. 20 This option D this doesn't seem to be what we're talking about in this, 21 uh, overall sentence, because we're not saying like a new classification system could also 22 be really good for other countries. And here's why it could help other countries 23 that are having envir...

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