[Video] Q43: Which information from the table provides the strongest evidence in support of the passage's main idea?

Answer Choices

  • IUCN lists a total of 642 at-risk species

  • ESA fails to recognize 82.7 percent of the species listed as at-risk by the IUCN

  • ESA fails to recognize 80.0 percent of the amphibian species listed by the IUCN as at-risk

  • IUCN includes six classes of animals in its classification of at-risk animal populations

Explanation for Question 43 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 43 asks us which information from the table provides 2 the strongest evidence in support of the passages main argument. 3 And so questions like these, once again are ones I want you to come 4 back to when you take these questions, 5 when it comes to the passage as a whole, 6 and we totally don't the entire passage, think about the passage as you finish 7 it. And, you know, sometimes you would have to reread portions of the passage 8 to figure out what it's talking about overall. 9 Um, in some cases it's really good to start at the beginning and the 10 end. And you know, if you're confused about the passages main argument, 11 maybe let's just read through the last paragraph right now and try and figure 12 it out from there. And you can reread the whole passage as a whole, 13 if you want, when you're done, um, 14 you know, whatever you want, you know, time dependent, um, 15 you know, we should trust, try and figure out from these key points of 16 what the main argument is. 17 So this last paragraph says the U S government could improve the scope of 18 its conservation efforts by recognizing more degrees of risk and using the 19 categories as a model for the ESA or for a new classification system could 20 also be financially advantageous. 21 The us government would be able to begin protection efforts earlier, 22 which would prevent the need for drastic and costly interventions when a species is 23 nearly extinct. So what this is telling us here is that the ...

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