[Video] Q1: Question 1 from the math (no calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 1 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question one says the lines in the X, 2 Y plane above are the graphs of two linear equations. 3 What is the solution to the system formed by the equations? 4 So a solution for two equations or two lines, 5 it's just the point where they intersect. So all we have to do is 6 find a line or the point where these two lines intersect and then figure 7 out what coordinate that point is that. So that point is right here. 8 I'm just going to circle that to show it a little clear. 9 Um, so all we have to do is find the coordinate of that point. 10 It's at negative one and two as the Y value. 11 So we know that the coordinate is negative one, 12 two, and the answer is.

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