[Video] Q34: Conservationists have identified hundreds or conservationists' have identified hundreds or conservationist's have identified hundreds' or conservationists have identified hundreds'

Answer Choices

  • conservationists have identified hundreds

  • conservationists' have identified hundreds

  • conservationist's have identified hundreds'

  • conservationists have identified hundreds'

Explanation for Question 34 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 34 is going to be using the possessive form 2 of an apostrophe with an S or the lack thereof. 3 That's the rule that we're going to be dealing with for this one. 4 So let's take a read at our sentence and figure out what we're doing 5 while the ESA helps to preserve species classified. 6 As endangered conservationists have identified hundreds of at-risk species that 7 do not appear on the government's endangered species list. 8 So we take a look at our answer choices. The different ones are using 9 different, um, apostrophes in different places to try and 10 add possession to what we're saying right here. 11 Now, when you do first things first, when it comes to sentence like this 12 is, think, do I need to make this possessive? 13 Am I saying something that belongs to the conservationists? 14 Or am I saying conservation is plural and something that belongs to them, 15 or we're saying something that belongs to a conservationist singular. 16 Now this here says that while the NSAs helps, 17 helps to preserve a species classified as endangered conservationists have 18 identified hundreds about risk a species. 19 So it's not saying that the conservationists are in possession 20 of a specific item. It's not saying the conservationists house or the conservationists 21 efforts. Um, and those, 22 you might, you might write those as the conservationists, 23 a singular man or woman, 24 his house, or a group of conservationists, 25 which would look like conservationist...

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