Answer Choices
ensure and guarantee
guarantee by ensuring
ensure the certainty
Explanation for Question 35 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 35 is going to be a redundancy question. 2 And just to remind you guys redundancy, it means when we're repeating something or 3 repeating ourselves, and that Satie wants to test us so that we eliminate any 4 forms of redundancy, get rid of those and only say things once and say 5 them in the clearest terms possible. So in this sentence, 6 it says, if the ESA is to fulfill its task of preserving biological 7 diversity, it must reformance procedures to ensure and guarantee that the 8 list accurately reflects the number of at-risk species in existence. 9 So what we're dealing with in the underlying portion is ensure and guarantee. 10 So let's just think about what do these terms mean for a second. 11 Why would say that to ensure someone of something means to like promise? 12 I would say that guarantee someone of something means the same thing also 13 means to promise. 14 So in our option of no change, 15 we're saying the same thing twice. We're saying it reformance procedures to promise and 16 promise that the list accurately reflects. So it means that we can get rid 17 of no change. And now we can look at our other options and see 18 what, where are we getting rid of all of this? 19 And, you know, it's kind of clear right here where it's, 20 this has guaranteed by ensuring that's once again, 21 to usage, it says, ensure the certainty that's just overly increasing 22 the meaning of promise. It's saying ensure and ensure 23 again, it's like ensure that it will. 24 Um, even though it's ensure implies already that there is a certain to, 25 to it. So that again is redundant and adding unnecessary information. 26 Whereas option D when it comes to the answer choice, 27 our shortest one in our clearest lawn just simply says, 28 it's going to ensure this. And that's what we need to say. 29 And that's how we need to work with redundancy questions in that state.