[Video] Q27: Which choice provides the best introduction to the main idea of the paragraph?

Answer Choices

  • Employee productivity can be affected by a variety of factors

  • I/O psychologists can also improve workplaces by focusing on employee satisfaction.

  • In addition to making recommendations, I/O psychologists can suggest effective ways of implementing them.

Explanation for Question 27 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 27, 2 um, is dealing with the best introduction to the paragraph or the main 3 idea of the paragraph. So when you hit one of these on sat, 4 here's what I want you guys to do. I want you guys to stop 5 and come back to it at the end of this paragraph. 6 There's just a quick little time-saving tip. 7 That is going to be really helpful. I used it when I took my 8 sat. Um, and it's just when these questions are dealing with the overall passage 9 just, or overall passage or overall paragraph, 10 sometimes you do get ones about overall passage, just don't try and do it 11 right now. Go through this paragraph, do 28, 12 do 29. And then once you've read it all, 13 now you get the idea of this paragraph. Can you go back to trying 14 to introduce the main idea of it? 15 Um, so what I would say would hit this one is stop and come 16 back. Obviously we're going to do it right now. Um, 17 cause that's what this video is on. Um, 18 but yeah, that's just, that's just a little tip. That's going to save you 19 time and make you do better on the writing section. So when you hit 20 a question like this, what I like to do for these introductory sentences is 21 I don't even like to read the options first. I actually like to go 22 after it and read the full paragraph and pick out what I notice. 23 So this says a company's success depends largely on worker morale, 24 a 2010 Gallup study found that productivity lost by unhappy disengaged 25 workers, cost companies, 28,000 per ...

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