[Video] Q26: Dicey or dodgy or chancy or hazardous

Answer Choices

  • dicey

  • dodgy

  • chancy

  • hazardous

Explanation for Question 26 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 26 is going to be dealing with vocabulary 2 and this isn't vocabulary in the sense of just what sounds right, 3 like with idioms, this is going to be vocabulary in terms of matching the 4 tone of the passage. So how this works is we're going to take a 5 look at this sentence here. We're going to think about the passage as a 6 whole. There were can consider the, 7 you know, tone and formality of our different vocabulary options. 8 So let's take a look. It says, for example, 9 he has worked with NASA to study team dynamics among astronauts and the variables 10 inherent in the isolated and dicey environment of outer space. 11 So what we need to do is think about what is the tone of 12 this overall passage. I would argue that it seems to be quite formal. 13 It's a scientific article talking about NASA, 14 psychologists, their usages, 15 and it's using languages like dynamic. 16 It's using things like promote productivity, 17 cooperation, um, 18 um, you know, that's probably the best ones for this one, 19 you know, productive, you know, words that are more formal rather than in 20 what's another word instead of productive, like, 21 um, hardworking maybe, which is maybe a little more casual something I'd use in 22 casual conversation. So we need to take a look at our options here and 23 figure out which of these seems to be more formal to match the rest 24 of this tone. And when you're confused on any questions like these, 25 it's good to just look around the ...

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