[Video] Q25: Dynamic's among astronauts and the variable's or dynamics among astronauts and the variables or dynamic's among astronauts and the variables or dynamics among astronauts and the variable's

Answer Choices

  • dynamic's among astronauts and the variable's

  • dynamics among astronauts and the variables

  • dynamic's among astronauts and the variables

  • dynamics among astronauts and the variable's

Explanation for Question 25 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 25 is going to be dealing with, 2 uh, the possessive S um, 3 and the possessive ass and the use of the apostrophe versus just an S 4 to mean, um, a singular item. 5 So we're going to be looking at sentence the words, 6 I'll just read the sentence and it's in full. Um, 7 this says, for example, he has worked with NASA to study team dynamics among 8 astronauts and the variables inherent in the isolated dicey environment of outer space. 9 So how this question is going to work is we need to figure out 10 when it comes to dynamics and variables, 11 do we want to make those possessive? Do we want to say that there 12 was something that then the dynamics, 13 what are the variables? What, um, 14 and by that, what I mean is it's like, 15 if we were saying the dogs, 16 uh, the dog's house versus, 17 um, we need to see, 18 we need to see some dogs. 19 So we're going to add that apostrophe in the ass. 20 We want to, um, make it, 21 uh, possessive and how this works with these words is saying 22 like, uh, the dynamics, 23 if we want to say, like the dynamics, 24 Hm, sorry. I'm blanking on a sentence. 25 It's making me spell this wrong. Um, 26 the dynamics, 27 um, aspects are important, 28 whereas we might just want to say, um, 29 his dynamics, like the dynamics related to him, 30 that's just a simple way that we can, you know, 31 view this in the light of, um, 32 possessive versus not. And in this sentence, 33 what we're saying is they want to, the NASA wants to study t...

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