Answer Choices
what she was doing for the movement while its most visible leader sat in a jail cell.
was she doing anything for the movement while its most visible leader sat in a jail cell.
whether she was doing anything for the movement while its most visible leader sat in a jail cell?
what she was doing for the movement while its most visible leader sat in a jail cell?
Explanation for Question 17 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys, question 17 reads. 2 She pointedly asked Simone what she was doing for the movement while its most 3 visible leader sat in a jail cell and jumping into the answer choices. 4 A lot of these look the same. So you might hit this question and 5 be a little worried, like, wait, what exactly am I doing here? 6 We're going to be dealing with here is how to use, 7 um, uh, question marks at the end of sentences, 8 in regards to somebody asking someone else a question and how that works 9 in regards to quoting and things like that. So this sentence tells us that, 10 um, Hansberry asked Simone what she was doing for the movement while its most 11 invisible leader sat in a jail cell. And our answer choices are going to 12 tell us down here that it says what she was doing with the movement 13 wallets. Most visible leader sat in a jail cell question mark. 14 And it's a question mark is not going to work here even though this 15 is telling us that, um, Hansberry asked Simone a question. 16 That doesn't mean that the sentence itself here is a question. 17 There's no question being asked, just telling us that Hansberry pointedly asked Simone 18 what she was doing for the movement. It's not asking the reader. 19 What was Simone doing for the movement or nor is it quoting her in 20 quoting her and saying like, like a quote that could be like why? 21 Um, but if I said, I asked her her 22 why that's a period or I 23 asked her why 24 question mark period, 25 after those are the ways to d...