[Video] Q16: However, or regardless, or on the contrary, or delete the underlined portion and capitalize the next word.

Answer Choices

  • However,

  • Regardless,

  • On the contrary,

  • DELETE the underlined portion and capitalize the next word.

Explanation for Question 16 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 16 is going to be dealing with transition words. 2 So we want to identify the proper transition word. 3 And whenever you need to identify proper transition word, 4 you can't just look at the sentence itself. You need to look at the 5 previous sentence and how it relates and the subsequent thing after the transition 6 word. So this says Hansberry was passionate about inspiring 7 her fellow artists to be more outspoken in support of civil rights. 8 So this person Hansberry is trying to get other artists to support civil rights, 9 however, or let's say blank. 10 She pointedly asked Simone what she was doing for the movement. 11 Watson was a visible leader, sat in, in a jail cell. 12 So we see that the sentence is going from saying Hansberry is trying to 13 inspire her fellow artists to be more outspoken. 14 And she's pointedly asking Simone the singer, 15 what Simone is doing to get involved, 16 uh, based off of that, we need to find a proper transition between these 17 two sentences. 18 And let's take a look at our, our answer choices off of that. 19 However, is going to be something we would use in contrast, 20 if something is contrast in the previous sentence or previous idea, 21 then we would use, however, if I it's like, 22 just like saying like, you know, I went to the store, 23 however, it was closed. It has to contrast what I'm saying, 24 but this isn't contrasting it. This is adding onto what was said like a 25 second ago, that Hansberry is trying ...

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