[Video] Q15: The writer wants to introduce one of the passages important ideas. which choice best accomplishes this goal?

Answer Choices


  • even though she hesistated at first to take a prominent role.

  • although her early musical work was in jazz and cabaret.

  • an unsurprising turn of events for such a talented singer.

Explanation for Question 15 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 15 says the writer wants to introduce one of the 2 passages, important ideas, which choice best accomplishes this goal. 3 So what you need to do when you hit a question like this, 4 where it says one of the passages important ideas, 5 and we'll working at the start and we're trying to introduce it is 6 we need to read ahead. We can't just stop here and trying to figure 7 this out based on what's already written in our paragraph because it's not going 8 to go, well, we need to work with, you know, stuff that's going to 9 be coming. So, um, 10 what we can do is say, is take a look at our answer choices 11 real quick, get an idea of what we've be working with. 12 We're talking about Nina Simone, the singer, 13 how she became a strong public voice for the movement of civil rights. 14 And we're adding in extra information to introduce a new main idea. 15 And those are the possible things we could introduce is that she has studied 16 at Costco music at the Julliard school in New York city. 17 So maybe we'll talk about Juilliard and maybe that's what the main idea will 18 be, or she hesitated at first to take a prominent role. 19 So maybe we'll find out that, uh, Nina Simone hesitated in trying to join 20 the civil rights and women, but laying out became more prominent. 21 We'll learn. Although her early music w work was in jazz and cabaret. 22 So maybe we'll learn about jazz and cabaret about her or an unsurprising turn 23 of events for such a talented and sin...

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