[Video] Q7: But also or and also reduces or as it also reduces or while also reducing

Answer Choices

  • but also

  • and also reduces

  • as it also reduces

  • while also reducing

Explanation for Question 7 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question seven is I'm gonna read 2 establishing farms and cities not only provides residents with fresh produce, 3 but also reduces the fossil fuel consumed during the shipping. 4 Um, this question is going to be a pretty quick one and 5 straightforward. If you know what you're looking for and what you're dealing with here 6 is something called a correlative conjunction. 7 So that means that, um, 8 this item right here, not only it pairs with the term, 9 but also, and that means you're going to see this a lot in writing, 10 um, on the sat is that people are going to use this term not 11 only, but also, and that just means that whenever you have not only in, 12 you're wanting to, you know, correlate it to something else you're saying establishing farms 13 here, not only does this eat to say it, 14 but even to say, but also this, 15 uh, meaning that when you can't have one without the other, 16 if you're trying to correlate two items, 17 you can't say not only provides residents this and also reduces this 18 or as it also, or while all sorts of second, I'm just reading through 19 their examples here, even though these sound similar to, 20 but also, um, it, they don't, 21 they don't work because this correlative conjunction is a specific one that we need 22 to use and just make note of, and you know, 23 this is completely new to you. 24 Just take note of it, uh, jot it down, 25 just try and read the sentence. This honestly probably sounds right too. 26 We don't want...

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