[Video] Q6: Had been or were or are or are being

Answer Choices

  • had been

  • were

  • are

  • are being

Explanation for Question 6 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, Sue question six is going to be dealing with 2 the sentence who we're working with, uh, with question five. 3 And I'll just, re-read it, once again, because of their indoor facilities can be 4 placed anywhere. There is sufficient light and energy, 5 vertical farms can be located where they had been most needed in cities. 6 So what we're dealing with in this question is, 7 um, making our tenses consistent. 8 So we look at, we look at, um, 9 six and what kind of answer choices and these answer choices are, 10 have been sorry that there's no space there were 11 are, and our being. 12 So we need to match the tenses of these, 13 uh, with the tents that we're going to be dealing with a prior in 14 the sentence to make it consistent. So already right off the bat had been, 15 and we're our past tense or our, 16 and our being are more like present tense. 17 And we need to just figure out what are we talking about here? 18 And this says, because they're in our facilities can be placed anywhere. 19 There is sufficient light and data. 20 So this is saying can be, and you know, 21 that's what we're dealing with here, because there are no facilities can be placed 22 anywhere they can be. We could do that. 23 Vertical farms can be located where they blank 24 or most needed. So they're going to be most needed in like the F 25 the future or the present, uh, 26 in which is in cities here. So what, 27 what this is telling us is that we can't use past tense here, 28 because we're talki...

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