Answer Choices
the energy needed to supplement or replace sunlight with artificial light can be prohibitively expensive
the air quality inside the buildings differs according to location
the architect would likely need some knowledge of vertical farming
cities that are already populous may not have room for more buildings
Explanation for Question 8 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question eight is asking us which choice most effectively 2 sets up the next sentence in the paragraph. 3 So what we need to do is take our sentence right here and read 4 it it's itself. And then the following sentence to really figure 5 this out. So this says, despite the advantages of vertical farming, 6 it can be difficult to construct buildings that let in enough sunlight for crops 7 to grow and blink. However, 8 preliminary experiments with low cost led lights have been promising showing 9 that farming with artificial light can be feasible on a large Engrade scale. 10 So notably it seems like our following sentence here is saying that it's 11 saying, however, it's contrasting a point made right here, 12 which we need to, you know, figure out what's going to be contrast in 13 preliminary experiments with low cost led lights have been promising showing 14 that farming with artificial light can be feasible on a large Engrade scale. 15 So it's possible because these are low costs, 16 led lights. So we need to figure out what would work, 17 the contrast that what is even talking about cost here. 18 So options are the energy needed to supplement or replace sunlight 19 with artificial light can be probably prohibitively expensive, 20 so it can prohibit and stop people from being able to use it on 21 a large scale, because it's so expensive. That seems to be what that's saying 22 right there. And then a contrast is saying, 23 however, preliminary experience, the low...