[Video] Q5: Sufficient or just about enough or an unobjectionable amount of or a plentitude of essential

Answer Choices

  • sufficient

  • just about enough

  • an unobjectionable amount of

  • a plentitude of essential

Explanation for Question 5 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question five is going to be dealing with this sentence 2 right here. And let's just read through it real quick. 3 Oops. Sorry. I got to move things slightly. 4 Okay. Um, because they're indoor facilities can be placed anywhere. 5 There is sufficient light and energy, vertical farms can be located where they had 6 been most needed in cities, astound, 7 and cities. So, um, 8 obviously there's another question embedded within that, but we're focusing on question five right 9 now. So this, you know, just to chopping this down a little bit, 10 it says, because they're in our facilities can replace anywhere. 11 There is sufficient, light and energy. Okay. 12 So now let's take a look at our, our answer choices here and stresses 13 are no change just about enough and an up and an objectionable 14 amount of, and a plentitude of essential lightened energy. 15 So just reading through these real quick, 16 these all seem to be saying the same thing. 17 Sufficient simply means, 18 you know, when something isn't enough, um, 19 you know, that's, 20 let's see, that's pretty much what it is. 21 Excuse me, the right. Some of the running cuts a bit. Um, 22 that's pretty much what all we're saying when it comes to sufficient and these 23 answer choices seem to all be saying that exact same thing just 24 about enough. And, um, and then an objectionable amount of a plentitude of essential. 25 Um, but what we need to remember with the sat, 26 when it comes to questions like questions l...

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