[Video] Q28: In passage 2, the phrase "particularly susceptible" (line 90) mainly serves to

Explanation for Question 28 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 28 asks us in passage to the phrase, 2 particularly susceptible, mainly serves to Blake. 3 So let's go back to passage to line 90, 4 where they say particularly susceptible and find, 5 what is he trying to say with this? What I want us to do 6 is replace it in our own words now, 7 and then go back and find which answer choice best fit best fits in 8 with that. So this says, 9 Carol said regions with warmer wetter, 10 climates are particularly susceptible to several species of disease, 11 carrying flies, other than the sets see flies, 12 that team considered in their study, that the relationship researchers found maps should be 13 a function of fly avoidance, not thermoregulation. 14 What he seems to be saying is that regions with a warmer wetter climates 15 have a lot more of these disease, 16 carrying flies, they're particular, particularly susceptible, 17 try saying that 10 times fast, particularly susceptible to these flies, 18 meaning that there are a lot more of them in those regions that have 19 that environment. 20 So taking a look at this and our answer choices, 21 let's find a which one fits fits in with that, 22 because that seems how seems to be how this line mainly serves us. 23 ASSP point out a flaw in there since conception of Zebra's geographic range. 24 That's not what he's saying. When he says particularly susceptible, 25 he's talking about the abundance of flies option B says, 26 emphasize the abundance of pests where some zebras live. ...

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