[Video] Q29: The primary purpose of both passages is to consider studies that

Explanation for Question 29 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 29 asks us the primary purpose of both passages 2 is to consider studies that blank. 3 Now, our answer choices here are going to probably be related to both of 4 them and try and trick us into picking one or the other. 5 So let's just try and go through them and think back to the passages 6 as we do to try and get the right answer. So the primary purpose 7 of the both passages to consider studies that a says, 8 describe the process by which stripes became widespread among the zebra species. 9 So what these passages aren't really doing is describing the process by 10 which stripes became widespread. It's proposing theories for why they became widespread, 11 but neither one of them is saying like, okay, 12 here's what happened. There was a, there was a small Stripe on one zebra, 13 and then it slowly adapted as that zebra was able to survive and more 14 and more stripes like it's self selected out of that in terms of natural 15 selection. 16 It's not talking about the process. That's not what it's doing. 17 It's not saying when I just said so we can get rid of that 18 answer. B says dispute a common misconception regarding zebra stripes. 19 Now the primary purpose of both passages is not to dispute a common misconception. 20 In fact, both passages seem to be arguing somewhat different things. 21 And they're more saying that the conceptions about zebra stripes are kind of unknown. 22 We're not really sure. So not disputing a common misconception, 23 they're pr...

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