[Video] Q27: Based on passage 2, caro would most likely agree with which of the following statements about coloration patterns containing black stripes?

Explanation for Question 27 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 27 asks us based on passage to Kara 2 would most likely agree with which of the following statements, 3 uh, which of the following statements about coloration patterns containing black stripes. 4 So guys, when you hit questions like these, I want you to pay attention 5 to who they're talking about. They talk about who who's a different person from 6 Laris and the other person we were talking about. 7 So let's go back to the passage to find what Kara was saying about 8 black stripes and those coloration patterns and get our answer from that. 9 So, uh, kero comes in, 10 let's find it here down at the bottom all the way at the bottom 11 is where Tim kero, this, this gentleman is coming in to talk about black 12 hairs and black stripes. So this says, 13 I don't think that you would want to have a lot of black hair 14 as long, the top of your back, if you want to try to keep 15 cool. 16 So black hairs he's saying will not help you keep cool. 17 Uh, professor Bob law says, um, 18 it's kind of the last color you would want then says, 19 Carol said, reasons regions with warmer wetter climates are particularly susceptible to several 20 species of disease, carrying flies, other than Ceci flies that seemed considered than a 21 study. And that that relationship the researchers may have found may actually be a 22 function of fly of audience, not Thermo regulation. 23 So what this guy Cara was saying is that their theory about black hair 24 is helping keep black and w...

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