[Video] Q25, 26: Passage 2 implies that larison's team's study falls short of being definitive because larisonp: which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

Answer Choices

  • Liens 49-53 ("The scientists... region")

  • a: Lines 54-56 ("These... flies")

  • a: Lines 70-76 ("The team... explanation")

  • a: Lines 77-81 ("Still... effect")

Explanation for Questions 25, 26 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 25 and 26 or one of those joint questions where 2 you have to find evidence and what I want us to do when we 3 hit these questions. And I've said this before, is that I want us to 4 go back, read the evidence based on the cited lines, 5 and then try and answer the question beforehand before coming back to our answer 6 choices. So what question 25 asks us is passage 7 two implies that Larson's teams study fall short of being definitive 8 because, because Larson blank. 9 So this is saying that passage two, 10 somewhere within it is saying that his team study is going to fall short 11 of being definitive. So you need to find the line that says it falls 12 shorts of being fall short of being definitive and find the one that cites 13 what and did to cause it to fall short of being definitive. 14 So it starts with lines 49 to 53 49 to 53. 15 It says the scientists found that that, that the definition of stripes along the 16 zebras back most closely correlated with temperature and precipitation and as you raise environment. 17 So the thing about that line is that it says nothing about, 18 um, Laris and study falling short so he can get rid of that option 19 already has nothing to do with that. 20 It doesn't say anything really about the study as a whole lions, 21 54 to 56. Let's go read those right now. 22 This says these findings suggest that torso stripes made you more to help zebras 23 regulate their body temperature then to avoid predators and Ceci flies th...

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