[Video] Q15, 16: As presented in the passage, triplett would most likely agree that human beings

Explanation for Questions 15, 16 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So questions 15 and 16 are another joint question. 2 And this has to do with, you know, figuring out our answer to this 3 one and using that based off the evidence here. 4 So what I want to do with this question, I want us to read 5 question 15, think about the answer and go back and read our lines before 6 we eating salmon. These answer choices to then figure out which of these quotes 7 it's talking about, what we're dealing with in regards to question 15. 8 So question 15 says, as presented in the passage, 9 triplet would most likely agree that human beings blink. 10 So looking through all these lines, 11 let's find one where triplet is talking about something 12 that human beings, um, 13 and an assumption that he would make about human beings. 14 So start with nine to 10, nine to 10, 15 read it, dozens of experiments. He pushed cyclists to ride as fast as they 16 could on stationary bikes. 17 That's all that says nothing about what he likely believes about human beings. 18 There's nothing that he could do with that when he writes his assumption. 19 So let's get rid of that one, option 32 to 35. 20 Let's take a look at that one. This says he concluded 21 that an audience enables people to liberate latent energy, 22 not normally available when they perform alone. 23 So here the author is saying something about human beings. 24 He's saying that an audience of an audience in front of a human being 25 allows them to use this energy that they don't normally have 26 whe...

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