Explanation for Question 17 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 17 asks us based on the passage, 2 which choice best describes what happened when the cockroaches in Z drunks experiment, 3 uh, attempted to complete the complex maze in front of a cockroach audience. 4 So what's important to remember here is that this experiment regarding the cockroaches tested 5 the cockroaches in two environments, one where they were just racing across somewhere in 6 front of their cockroach audience and another one where they had to complete a 7 complex maze. So let's go back and look at that. 8 What they said for the complex maze was, 9 should be around here, 10 but the cockroach athletes respond. 11 It starts here, but the cockroach athletes responded very differently to an audience when 12 they are faced with a complex maze reaching the goal 76 seconds more quickly 13 when they were alone. So the two factors, the cockroaches seems to take longer 14 when there's an audience there watching them when it comes to the complex maze. 15 So we have to find our answer choice that seems to fit in with 16 this. And that seems to answer choice B. 17 The cockroach has completed the maze more slowly than they had without an audience. 18 So that seems to answer our question here in regards to how did the 19 cockroaches perform in front of the audience with a complex maze.