[Video] Q2: Question 2 from the math (no calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 2 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question two asks a checkers enthusiast is customizing a checker set by 2 painting as a design on each of the 24 checkers in the set, 3 it takes the enthusiast 35 minutes to paint the design on each checker. 4 If, see if the checkers are already painted, 5 which of the following represents the number of additional minutes needed to finish painting 6 the set of checkers. So we want to multiply 35, 7 which is how many minutes it takes to paint a checker by how many 8 checkers are left. Since there were 24 checkers to start and 9 see of them are already painted. We have to subtract see from 24 to 10 find how many checkers are left. And then we have to multiply that by 11 35 to find how many minutes that will take. 12 And so we know the answer is 35 times 24 minus C or 13 answer choice.

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