Explanation for Question 32 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 32 asks how many cups each with the capacity of eight fluid 2 ounces can be filled with water from a cooler that contains 10 gallons floor. 3 And we're told that one gallon is equal to 128 fluid 4 ounces. So since we know that one cup, 5 one cup is equal to eight fluid ounces, 6 and we know that 128 fluid ounces is equal to one gallon. 7 We need to do divide 128 by eight to find how 8 many gallons each cup can hold. And that gives us one over 16. 9 So we know that each cup can hold a hundred and, 10 or I'm sorry, not 116 one over 16 gallons. 11 So I'm just going to use C to represent cups. And then that's gon 12 that's going to be equal to 10 gallons total. 13 So to solve for the amount of cups, we just have to multiply both 14 sides by 16. And that gives us C is equal to 160. 15 And that is the answer to.