[Video] Q31: Question 31 from the math (calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 31 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question 31 says a museum built a scale model of an, 2 a Potter Saurus dinosaur skeleton, 3 where one centimeter in the model is equivalent to 16 centimeters of the actual 4 skeleton. If the length of the femur bone of the actual skeleton is 184 5 centimeters, what is the length to the nearest 10th of a centimeter of the 6 femur bone in the model? So this is a ratio question. 7 We need to take the ratio of one centimeter, 8 the 16 centimeters, and set this equal to the ratio of 184 9 to ax centimeters, which is what we're trying to solve for. 10 So we know that one centimeter is equal to 16 centimeters, 11 which means that 184 centimeters is 12 equal to X centimeters in the model. 13 So to figure this out, we can cross multiply to get 16 ax is 14 equal to 184, 15 and then we can divide both sides by 16. 16 And that gives us access equal to 11.5. 17 And so we know that the answer is 11.5.

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