Explanation for Question 33 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 33 says in triangle, 2 ABC angle, a measures 48 degrees angle B measures, 3 88 degrees and angle seeing measures 44 degrees triangle. 4 ABC is similar to LMN such that line. 5 L M over line AB is equal to line M N over BC 6 is equal to L N over AC is equal to three. 7 What is the measure in degrees of angle L? 8 So to start, I just drew out triangle, 9 ABC with the dimensions that we were given in the beginning of this problem 10 right here, and that's on the bottom left right down here. 11 We see angle a is equal to 48 degrees. 12 Angle B is equal to 80 degrees and angle C is equal to 44 13 degrees. Now we're told that these two triangles are similar and similar 14 triangles have the same corresponding angles. 15 So that means whatever angle corresponds with angle a is going to be equal 16 to 48 degrees. 17 Whatever angle corresponds with angle B is 88 degrees and so on and so 18 forth. Now it told us what sides correspond to each other, 19 told us that a B corresponds with LM and that M N corresponds with 20 BC and that LN corresponds with AC. 21 And from that, I was able to draw a second triangle, 22 which you can see down here on the bottom, right? 23 And that triangle reflects which angles correspond with one another. 24 And we're looking for the degree of angle out well, 25 angle L corresponds with angle a, 26 you can see they're both in the bottom left corner. 27 And so we know that it's going to be the same degree as Anglais, 28 which is 48 degrees. So that means that the measure of angle L is 29 also 40.