[Video] Q40: No change or have scored or scores or scoring

Answer Choices


  • have scored

  • scores

  • scoring

Explanation for Question 40 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So the sentence for question 40 says on the graduate record examination, 2 for example, students intending to study philosophy and gradual in graduate school has 3 scored higher than students in all four other majors in all but four majors. 4 So now we're looking at has scored right? 5 At first off, we know that it says the students intending to study graduate 6 school. So we can ask ourselves who is doing the scoring? 7 Is it the graduate schools or is it the students? 8 And it's the students that are scoring higher, 9 right? So the students is our subject and this is plural. 10 So has scored. Isn't going to work because that is a singular verb. 11 And we are going to want the plural version of the verb. 12 So scores is also singular. And now our question is, 13 is it have scored or scoring because these are the only two that could 14 be plural, right? 15 And so it says on the record examination and all but four categories. 16 And so what it makes sense to say students in philosophy, 17 graduate school scoring higher, 18 and the answer is going to be no right. If we read it. And 19 the only one that's going to sound good is have scored on the graduate 20 record examination. For example, students intending to major in philosophy in graduate school have 21 scored higher than students at all. But for other majors, 22 it also makes sense because they're giving us data from the past, 23 right? This is past data. 24 So putting the have here shows that it's something that is present now, 25 right? Um, this is still true, 26 but it's also something that has happened in the past. 27 And so our best answer is going to be B.

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