[Video] Q24: No change or colleagues were important for sharing ideas. or ideas couldn’t be shared with colleagues. or i missed having colleagues nearby to consult.

Answer Choices


  • colleagues were important for sharing ideas.

  • ideas couldn’t be shared with colleagues.

  • I missed having colleagues nearby to consult.

Explanation for Question 24 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Not for question number 24, we are going to start looking right about here. 2 Actually it having, having become frustrated, 3 trying to solve difficult problems, no calling, 4 no colleagues were nearby to share ideas and not be a glance at our 5 answer choices. We see that we're basically saying the same thing, 6 right? Nobody was around, there were any colleagues around, 7 but they've reversed the order of the way that we say it. 8 And that shows you that this question is about whether or not to use 9 active voice or passive voice. 10 Right. And we should know that on the sat, 11 we only want to use active voice. 12 You never want to use passive voice. So let's go ahead and talk about 13 what those are. And it's basically just about the placement of the subject 14 and the placement of the verb in a sentence. 15 So active voice, we always have the subjects coming before the verb. 16 Um, for example, Megan, through the baseball, 17 that would be an active voice, uh, 18 sentence, because Megan who is throwing the baseball, 19 the subject came before the verb. Now I'm passive voice. 20 The verb will actually come before the subject. 21 So for example, the baseball was thrown by Megan. 22 Megan is the one throwing the baseball, right? 23 But the verb throw actually came before the subject. 24 So we'll see some more examples here. But the bottom line is we want 25 to use that to eliminate any answer choices that are in passive voice. 26 And so if we look here, it says no colleague...

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