[Video] Q14: No change or however, or as such, or moreover,

Answer Choices


  • However,

  • As such,

  • Moreover,

Explanation for Question 14 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Now number 14 is a transition word question. 2 So we'll start by looking at the sentence or sentences beforehand, 3 and then we'll look at the sentences that follow and we'll compare them to 4 see how they relate to each other. Now in yellow, 5 we combined the sentences for number 13, 6 right? So it would read typically the ice sheet begins to show evidence of 7 falling in late summer, following higher temperatures. 8 So here, we're talking about thawing and we're also talking about high 9 temps. Now in blue, 10 we say in the summer of 2012, 11 virtually the entire Greenland ice sheet underwent falling at or near its surface 12 and by mid July, but by mid July, 13 the earliest date on record. So now we're talking more specifically, 14 right? We're getting more specific. We give ourselves an exact year and exact 15 place it's thawing and the earliest date on record. 16 And so what we see is now we've gotten a more, 17 um, exact or specific version 18 of what we said in yellow. 19 Now these aren't contradicting each other, right? 20 We're both talking both sentences are talking about following, 21 um, evidence in, um, summer. 22 Um, the one difference here though, 23 the one thing that might be making these two a little different is this 24 late summer thing, right? Because here in the blue, 25 we're actually talking about July the earliest date on a record. 26 And so this is one place where there's a little bit of contrast. 27 So however might be an okay example or an okay. 28...

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