[Video] Q21: The authors would likely attribute the differences in gift-giver and recipient mean appreciation as represented in the graph to

Answer Choices

  • an inability to shift perspective.

  • an increasingly materialistic culture.

  • a growing opposition to gift-giving.

  • a misunderstanding of intentions.

Explanation for Question 21 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Okay. So we are now on our last question, 2 it says in line 21, or in question 21, 3 um, the officers would likely attribute or attribute the differences in gift giver and 4 recipient and mean appreciation. What, so they're basically saying why is there 5 this difference between what gift givers think and what gift recipients think, 6 even though the same person can be a gift giver and a gift recipient? 7 Well, I remember the last paragraph really talked about that, 8 right? The fact that, you know, on Christmas day, 9 for example, you could be the giver enters at the end yet, 10 somehow you're still not able to like transfer the information that you feel. 11 Um, and so that's what this whole paragraph talks about. 12 This paragraph right here, talked about transferring information. 13 People are unable to transfer their perspective or the information they have when their 14 gift giver versus a recipient. 15 You can't change your perspective. And so let's see. 16 Yeah, I think the answer here represent, so basically the authors would likely attribute 17 the differences, um, that show up in the graph based on an inability to 18 shift perspective, you can't shift your viewpoint when you move from gift giver to 19 recipient. And that's what the last paragraph talked about. 20 You needed to read the last paragraph to get that answer. 21 And because we had the main idea already written down of the last paragraph, 22 it made things a lot easier. Um, there was nothing written in the passage 23 about a mere materialistic culture or an opposition to gift giving or a misunderstanding 24 of intentions. Right? It's all about the fact that the gift givers and the 25 recipients, even though you're often both of them, 26 you're unable to just switch.

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