[Video] Q9: No change or large crowds or tons of people or so many people

Answer Choices


  • large crowds

  • tons of people

  • so many people

Explanation for Question 9 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat

Not for number nine. Our best answer is answer choice B. 2 So let's go ahead and see why, if you read our sense, 3 it says through constables reputation, 4 or though constable's reputation survived, 5 the incident incident Turner's headline making stunts stole the show, 6 attracting crowds of enormous nature, 7 eager to judge the paintings merits for themselves. 8 And so we're really questioning the use of this term crowds of enormous nature. 9 And if we look at answer choice a we shouldn't immediately see that it's 10 rather repetitive, right? Because if it's a crowd, 11 we know that it should be pretty large, right? 12 Because we don't talk about small crowds. We talk about large crowds and you 13 never want to choose a repetitive answer choice on the AC or act or 14 sat in this case, the sat. And so we can eliminate a, 15 because it is repetitive. Now, 16 if we look at, see, it says attracting tons of people attracting so many 17 people or attracting large crowds, 18 right? 19 And so the reason that large crowds is going to be better than tons 20 of people or so many people is because crowds really emphasizes 21 the large nature. Right? And if we talk about tons of people 22 are so many people, these kind of have a tone, 23 that's wrong for the passage, right? This is a relatively formal passage. 24 We're not using colloquial or conversational language. 25 Right. And saying tons of people, 26 that's something that you would say if you were exaggerating in a conversation. 27 And so many people, it's also a little conversational. 28 So overall C and D are too informal for the passage. 29 They're too conversational. They don't fit the tone. 30 And so for that reason, B write large crowds, 31 that sounds somewhat academic, somewhat formal, 32 right? You might not say that in a normal conversation, 33 but you would write it in a paper. And so, 34 because B matches the tone of the passage, 35 B is going to be our best answer.

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