[Video] Q6: No change or painting, which constable was adorning it or painting, which constable was adorning or painting that it was being adorned by constable

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  • painting, which Constable was adorning it

  • painting, which Constable was adorning

  • painting that it was being adorned by Constable

Explanation for Question 6 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat

Now for number six, we can see immediately that this is a grammar question 2 about punctuation. And so with that in mind, 3 it's always best to go about these types of questions by process of elimination, 4 rather than just trying to see the right answer off the bat. 5 Usually that's pretty difficult. And so we'll start by reading our sense, 6 um, which says that a few days before the exhibition's opening isn't, 7 um, as more than a dozen artists put in their final touches on their 8 works Turner eyed constables painting, 9 Constable was a journey with flecks of red paint or adorning it with flecks 10 of red paint. And so the best thing to really do here is to 11 see how, what types of clauses we have, 12 right? So I always like the highlight, 13 but I see before a piece of punctuation. 14 And then I like to highlight what I see after a piece of punctuation 15 and then decide what types of clauses they are. 16 Now. We see an orange that a few days before the exhibition paintings, 17 artists were putting final touches on their works. 18 So it has a subject. It has a verb, our closet orange, 19 an independent clause. And now in purple we see Constable was adorning it with 20 flex of red paint. Our subject is Constable. 21 Our verbiage was or was adorning. 22 It can stand on its own. It's also an independent clause. 23 Now, as it's written, it has a comment in the middle and that will 24 never be allowed. That's what we call a comma splice for that to work, 25 it would also have...

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