[Video] Q40: No change or cheaper when comparing it with or cheaper, more so than or cheaper than

Answer Choices


  • cheaper when comparing it with

  • cheaper, more so than

  • cheaper than

Explanation for Question 40 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat

Now looking at number 40, we see that it says, 2 however, online publishing is cheaper compared with traditional publishing. 3 So really the issue here is that phrase compared with right, 4 it's a little bit awkward. It's not something that you would normally say or 5 normally, right. But whenever we're making a comparison, 6 we should know that we're able to use the word than right. 7 And so man is going to be the most effective way to make a 8 comparison because it's straightforward. It's only one word, 9 so you don't kind of fumble it when you speak. Um, 10 and so man is going to be our best answer, 11 right? And if we compare that to answer choice B when comparing with right, 12 that's saying the same thing as van, but in more words and less words 13 is always better. Um, if given the option to use less words or fewer 14 words, and again sees the same thing more so than adding 15 the more so it's just additional words that don't really add any meaning. 16 They just add more unnecessary words and that's not what we want here. 17 And so the most straightforward answer, fewest words possible is answer choice D.

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