Answer Choices
Explanation for Question 3 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat
Now for number three, our best answer is going to be C I 2 T S S. And the reason being that if we look at our sense, 3 it says that I'm appointed to oversee the arrangement 4 of paintings for the annual Royal academy exhibition. 5 Constable proved one of his rye, 6 Constable moved one of his rivals paintings from its central position, 7 right? So basically the painting had a central position and 8 the man moved the painting. 9 Right? And so since we see that the central position belonged to the painting, 10 we know that we need to be talking about the possessive. 11 It's an ITSP without the apostrophe is possessive. 12 Additionally, he moved, um, 13 one of his rivals paintings, 14 let me move this down. So you can see right earlier in the sense 15 we see that he moved one of his rivals paintings. 16 And if it's just one, that means it's singular, 17 which is why we're using the it version rather than there. 18 Right. That's why we can't use answer choice D because there is 19 plural. We know he only moved one painting. 20 Um, now you might be asking yourself, 21 why do we choose C instead of a, because a also has an apostrophe, 22 right? But here's the deal with a, 23 whenever you see an apostrophe, you can tell if it's plural, 24 a plural, uh, subject that we're talking about or singular by drawing a line 25 down the apostrophe, looking at what's in front of it. 26 And here we see its right, 27 which is the possessive form of it's, 28 right? So you don't need to take the pos...