Explanation for Question 2 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat
Now for number two, our best answer's going to be D because all of 2 our other answer choices really deviate from the content of the original sentence. 3 And they're slightly unclear. Now, 4 when we look at our original sentences, they say that they had stylistic differences 5 and these differences grew into personal animosity. 6 So they have these differences in their style. And then eventually that grows into 7 them, really conflicting with each other on a personal level. 8 Now, if we look at answer choice, a, it says growing into personal animosity, 9 and that part alone is slightly confusing because that makes it sound like the 10 people were growing into animosity rather than, 11 you know, that that animosity developing. 12 Um, it says there, there are differences were only stylistic until 1831. 13 And this part seems to be incorrect, right? 14 Because we didn't get from the sentences that there stylistic differences stopped in 1831. 15 They just had their own personal conflicts in 1831. 16 So to say that their stylistic differences went away, 17 doesn't really make sense. According to the information that we got in the passage 18 now B says that are differences stylistic until 1831. 19 And again, just like any answer choice, eh, 20 when you say stylistic until 1831, 21 that makes it sound like you've lost your stylistic differences. 22 And we can't see that to be the case in the original sentences. 23 So that's why B is incorrect kind of for the same reason, 24 um, a wa...