Explanation for Question 39 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat
Question 39 says according to the graph, 2 which choice represents the number of forecasts made by forecaster P the predicted 3 that a stock price had a 50% probability of increasing. 4 So answering this question is as simple as interpreting the graph that they give 5 us. Remember that we're looking here at forecaster P we're looking 6 at a 50% probability, 7 and we're just looking at the number of forecasts. 8 So let's look back at the graph here, 9 and we can see that forecaster P is shown by the lighter color. 10 And again, we're looking at that 50% probability. 11 So we can see that this is going to give us 12 10 forecasts for forecasts or P at a 50% probability. 13 So let's see if the answer choice 10 or answer if 10 is an 14 answer choice, sorry. And we can see here that 10 is answer choice C. 15 So with that being said, answer choice C is going to be the correct 16 answer for question 39.