[Video] Q2: Over the course of the passage, the main focus of john bergson's thoughts shifts from the

Explanation for Question 2 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat

Question two says over the course of the passage, 2 the main focus of John Bergson's thoughts, shifts from what, 3 to what? So let's look back at the passage here for some context, 4 and we can see that it's divided up for us pretty nicely in half. 5 You have the first half on the left side and the left column, 6 and then the second half on the right side, 7 in the second column. So you can see, 8 we can divide this up and kind of determine the main idea of each 9 of the columns. And hopefully that will help us to determine the answer to 10 question two. So if we look at the first column on the left, 11 we can see that it's introduced as an 11 long years, 12 John Briggs and had made, but little impression upon the wild land he had come 13 to Tane. And this side goes on to just describe the 14 land that John Berkson has farmed. 15 They said it's a wild thing that had its ugly moods there, 16 Atlanta outside his door, the same land, the same led covered miles. 17 He knew every Ridge and draw and goalie between him and the horizon. 18 And then it describes it more here. And then it describes it again as 19 an enigma. It was like a horse that no one knows how to break. 20 So basically this whole first column, 21 this left column is just describing John Bergson's land and kind of how he 22 went about farming, it, understanding it, just kind of what it looked like. 23 And then we can see here in the second column that it starts talking 24 about his children and how they might succe...

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