Answer Choices
Explanation for Question 41 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys, question 41 is going to be dealing with a positives. 2 Now I'm just going to write out a quick reminder of what a positives 3 are, any positives or terms that rename another noun. 4 So that looks like this. I want to say if I know a guy 5 Tom was baseball player, I could say Tom comma, 6 baseball player, player, 7 comma, um, 8 went to eat. 9 Um, so what this is doing is this is, 10 uh, renaming Tom, 11 um, our noun or in this case, our pronoun as a baseball player, 12 and it's surrounding it by two commas, 13 which is the proper way to do it. 14 So I'm sorry, 15 stupid text notifications. I'm going to mute that you guys know the feeling. 16 Um, and so what, 17 what a positive is do is they rename a noun and, 18 um, we need to find out how to properly rename our now and here, 19 because this sometimes reads by contrast, 20 uh, the international union for conservation of nature. 21 I UCN comma, private environmental group acknowledges 22 a broader range of species of vulnerability by using three categories. 23 So what this is doing here is renaming the IUC N as a 24 private environmental group. And we need to do, 25 when we do that is we need to put commas around it. 26 Alternatively, we could put dashes around it. 27 We could do Tom dash, uh, 28 uh, guy. Um, I don't want to run out baseball player again, 29 went to eat. Oh my gosh, 30 sorry. The handwriting is so bad on this thing, guys. Um, 31 well, my handwriting's bad. Um, 32 so what this is doing is it's doing th...