[Video] Q40: Which choice most effectively combines the sentences in the underlined portion?

Answer Choices

  • species:

  • species

  • respectively, the two are

  • species, these being

  • species: they are

Explanation for Question 40 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 40 asks us which choice most effectively combines the sentences 2 at the underlined portion. So what are going to be dealing with when it 3 comes to these is trying to cut out unnecessary fluff, 4 and get our sentences together as concisely as possible. 5 And just remember that conciseness with sat is always, 6 always, always just going to be about like, 7 um, getting out unnecessary wording and getting your point across quick. 8 So Lisa sentences say the act uses only two categories 9 to classify at-risk species. These two categories are endangered likely to 10 go extinct and threatened, likely to become endangered in the near future. 11 This is telling us the act uses only two categories to classify at-risk species. 12 And then it's giving examples of what these two things are. 13 So we need to do is figure out ways that our next sentence can 14 quickly give examples and a good way to do that is probably to use 15 a colon. 16 Now I actually have with dance choices yet. Um, 17 so you know, the, the, 18 if a Colt Macola might not be in there, but just, just so you 19 guys know a colon is a great way to just put that in there 20 after you say something and then just give quick examples of it. 21 So if I say I hate two things, 22 um, um, 23 I hate two things. Most of all, I hate two things. 24 Most colon dogs and cats. 25 It's not true, but that wasn't a random sentence. 26 Um, and what is happening here is dogs and cats 27 is not a sentence of its own. This ...

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